At Imaginif Media, our award winning staff and freelance partners combine to offer the very best in media creation, creative consulting, and brand management. Specializing in storytelling, creativity, and intuitive guidance our President and CEO, Shannon Dias, has received rave reviews from clients and coworkers alike during her 25 years in the industry.
We are a small shop that works with select clients to provide fully customized marketing for all of your branding and social media needs as well as provide creative consulting and personal guidance towards your goals. We think you're special and everyone else should too.
Shannon has a degree in Television Production with almost 30 years in the Media and Marketing Industry and has received several awards for both. Her extensive Management and Technology expertise combined with educational program development and event coordination provides an unmatched resource for increasing awareness and ongoing program development.
Shannon is an Artist, Author, Certified Personal Coach, Energy Healer, and TTRPG actual play streamer specializing in storytelling, creativity, and intuitive guidance. Several years ago, she chose to shift focus to the individual where Shannon went on to receive her Master Coaching Certification with a special focus on using creative expression for empowerment and healing. She is the founder of Bring Joy Forward, a collaborative holistic network offering community and resources to explore, heal, and grow together and looks for every opportunity to have meaningful conversations and adventures that make a difference.
She formed the ImaginifMedia twitch channel to support those who Create, Play, and Heal and has conversations to empower and celebrate others and launched the Bring Joy Forward podcast with season one out now.
In 2023, Shannon launched ImaginifMedia on twitch to bring the worlds of holistic healing and creativity together. She hosts Creator Spotlight, and is the co-host of Goosepoop's Creator Coop and Challenge Accepted, along with providing opportunities to gather for art and sound healing. She also launched the Bring Joy Forward podcast with season one out now.
"I offer opportunities for empowerment and healing through art, play, magick, and storytelling. "
Taking new clients for:
- Creative Services
- Program Development
- Social Media Design and Management - facebook and instagram
- Website Design & Development
- Media & Marketing Design & Consulting
- Storytelling
- Game Design support and production
- Channel branding
- Podcast spotlight
Shannon walks with grief everyday and understands the importance of both using escapism to experience pockets of relief and using it to work through emotions and traumas. She uses her love for telling stories and being silly to add joy into her everyday life, and hopefully that of others around her.
When available, links open to Youtube
TalkingXP Candela Obscura Blade and Bleed oneshot 10/2023 on TalkingXP
Candela Obscura aired Nov 3rd 2023 7pmEST- fundraiser for ExtraLife on Tales of Initiative
Through the Stars: Space Truckers & Eldritch Gods aired 1/29/24 on TTRPG Collective
"Kids on Bikes" TTRPG Actual Play - aired February 7, 2024 on Role D5
"Triangle Agency" TTRPG Actual Play - March 27,2024 on Role D5
Vampire the Masquerade TTRPG aired March 31,2024 on Hammer of the Gods
Werwolf:Wildwest Ghosts of Bitterroot aired April 5,2024 on Hammer of the Gods
Through the Stars: Return of the Space Truckers aired 4/9,2024 on TTRPG Collective
"Good Soup" TTRPG Actual Play aired April 24,2024 on Role_d5
Babies & Broadswords Actual Play 5/2/24 8pm EST on EvenFootingGames
Tales from the Tavern 5/5/24 8pm EST
Werewolf: Wild West Missoula Madness Aired 5/17/24 on Hammer of the Gods
Bewitched - supporting The Trevor Project June 12.2024 on Hammer of the Gods
DaggerHeart: Venue of the Gods Aired 7/26/24 on WanderersHaven
DaggerHeart on Wanderers Haven 8/16/24 8pm EST on WanderersHaven
FIST actual play Aired August 24, 2024 on Role4respawn
You awaken in a strange place Aired September 29th on ImaginifMedia - charity fundraiser for Take This!
"Taking care of Strahd" on Somebodys Heroes on Oct 4, 2024
Wastewalkers actual play aired October 26th on WanderersHaven
Curseborne actual play aired October 31st on WanderersHaven
Dungeon Cats One Shot Wonderarium actual play aired November 2nd on Role4Respawn
Superhero Shenanigans Origins - aired Dec 14th on DKMCrpgs